


Mowing, Trimming, and edging will occur every Thursday, weather permitting. If weather prevents yard service on Thursday, Fridays will be used as rain makeup days. Trash and recycle pick up will occur on Fridays except the week of Memorial Day when pick up will be on Saturday, June 1. Bulk trash and yard waste pick up will occur on Wednesday, June 5 and Wednesday June 19.


A special thank you to all the Park Charleston volunteers who assisted in organizing and hosting our Spring Neighborhood picnic last month: Our Park Charleston Social Events Committee  Cathy Ballard  David Crawford  Karyn Hornick  Margaret Zubrick  Paul Carpenter – Chairperson Other volunteers who assisted  Glenn Berman  Marc Taps  Jim West  Bobbi Walsh  Gena Pedroni  Randy Carpenter

Reminder – School is Out for Summer

School is out for summer break and our neighborhood children will be outside playing. Please obey the 25 MPH speed limit on our streets and drive even slower when you see children playing near the street.

Crime Watch Tips

With summer’s arrival, vacation may be on your minds. Here are some useful reminders: Don’t advertise your absence. Request your paper and mail be held, and avoid package deliveries. If possible, leave an interior light or lamp on a timer to mimic an occupied home. Have a trusted friend or neighbor watch/check on your home for suspicious activity. If you leave exterior lights on at night when you’re home, a sudden change could signal you’re away. If you plan to be gone for an extended vacation (lucky you!), you may reach out to the Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) to advise them of your travel dates so they may make occasional “drive by” checks of your home. Remember, if you see a crime in progress or suspicious people in the neighborhood, contact TPD at 850-606-5800. As always, if you have an emergent situation, dial 911 to request assistance. The Crime Watch Committee is still looking for members. If you think you may be interested, contact Gena Pedroni @ 706-580-0488. Our next meeting is scheduled for July 16, 2019, at 7:00 p.m.

Leash Law

Please be reminded that Tallahassee ordinances and Park Charleston Covenants require that pets be under control by leash or inside a fence. Don’t allow your pets to roam free and dig holes or destroy landscaping. Also remember that city ordinance requires picking up pet waste on public property and from neighbors’ yards.

Park Charleston | P.O. Box 345 | Tallahassee, FL | 32302 | Tel: 850-443-8395 Fax: 866-511-0881
